Tim Taylor was born in Jacksonville, Texas. While in the first grade, his father started work for a pipeline company and they followed pipelines across many states.

Although, Nnadubem Gabriel Muoneke “Gabe” was born in Michigan in 1978 to Igbo Nigerian parents, it did not take him long to land in Houston where he would be molded into the individual we see today.

Dr. Helge H. Haldorsen is CEO of Wichmann WH&M Advisory. Previosly, he was vice president of investor relations for Equinor, general director of Statoil Mexico, and vice president of strategy and portfolio for Statoil North America.

Dr. Fraser H. Allen had a distinguished career in the international petroleum industry. He received his BS in chemical engineering from University of Toronto in 1941.

Malcolm D. Abel was born September 10, 1924, oldest child of William Chester and Annie May Powell. He was born in Bosque County, Texas. He graduated Valedictorian from Plains High School at age 15 in 1940.


Scott D. Sheffield is CEO and chairman of Pioneer Natural Resources, one of nation’s largest independent oil and gas companies.

When Joe M. Parsley retired after more than 30 years in the oil and gas industry, he left behind a legacy of successful, independent Texas oil companies.

Alex M. Cranberg, Houston, Texas, was appointed to a six-year term on The University of Texas System Board of Regents by Governor Rick Perry in February 2011.

Jack Smyth Josey was born in Beaumont, Texas on July 11, 1916. Attending public schools in Houston and graduating from San Jacinto High School in 1934, Josey entered The University of Texas at Austin where he obtained a bachelor of science in petroleum engineering in 1939. Josey was president (grand master) of Kappa Sigma, a Goodfellow, Outstanding Student, and foreman (president) of the Texas Cowboys.

Summer internships, college courses and professors, and the bonds she built with her classmates convinced Sue Park of her place in the global energy industry. Upon earning her bachelor of science degree studying petroleum engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, Sue moved back to her hometown of Houston, Texas to start her professional career with Chevron.