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Office Location: ETC 5.128D
J.Eric Bickel
Department Research Areas:
Geologic Carbon Storage
Educational Qualifications:
PhD, Engineering-Economic Systems, Stanford University, 1999
MS, Engineering-Economic Systems, Stanford University, 1994
BS, Mechanical Engineering, New Mexico State University, 1993
PGE Courses Taught:
None. I teach ME 353 - Engineering Finance, ORI 390 - Applied Probability, and ORI 397 - Decision Analysis.
My research is focused upon improving decision making in the face of uncertainty. My research topics include valuing seismic information, determining optimal development plans in unconventional reservoirs, and optimal sequencing of exploration wells.
Awards & Honors:
2011 SPE Outstanding Technical Editor.
2011 Fellow, Society of Decision Professionals.
2010 NSF CAREER Award.
2006 Winner of the INFORMS Decision Analysis Society 2006 Practice Award.
Highlighted Publications:
Montiel, Luis V. and J. Eric Bickel. 2012. “Generating a Random Collection of Discrete Joint Probability Distributions Subject to Partial Information.” Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability.
Bickel, J. Eric, Larry W. Lake, and John Lehman. 2011. "Discretization, Simulation, and Swanson’s (Inaccurate) Mean.” SPE Economics & Management 3(3) 128-140. SPE-148542-PA.
Bickel, J. Eric and Lee Lane. 2010. “Climate Engineering.” In: Smart Solutions for Climate Change: Comparing Costs and Benefits, Bjørn Lomborg (ed.). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Bratvold, Reidar, J. Eric Bickel, and Hans Petter Lohne. 2009. "Value of Information in the Oil and Gas Industry: Past, Present, and Future." SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering 12(4) 630-638.
Bickel, J. Eric. 2008. "The Relationship between Perfect and Imperfect Information in a Risk-Sensitive Two-Action Problem." Decision Analysis 5(3) 116-128.
Bickel, J. Eric and Reidar Bratvold. 2008. "From Uncertainty Quantification to Decision Making in the Oil and Gas Industry." Journal of Energy Exploration and Exploitation 26(5) 311-325.
Bickel, J. Eric, Richard L. Gibson, Duane A. McVay, Stephen Pickering, and John Waggoner. 2008. "Quantifying 3D Land Seismic Reliability and Value." SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering 11(5) 832-841.
Bickel, J. Eric, James E. Smith, and Jennifer L. Meyer. 2008. "Modeling Dependence among Geologic Risks in Sequential Exploration Decisions." SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering 11(2) 352-361.
Bickel, J. Eric and James E. Smith. 2006. "Optimal Sequential Exploration: A Binary Learning Model." Decision Analysis 3(1) 16-32.
Pickering, Steve and J. Eric Bickel. 2006. "The Value of Seismic Information." Oil and Gas Financial Journal 3(5) 26-33.