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Office Location: CPE 4.104A
Kamy Sepehrnoori
Texaco Centennial Chair in Petroleum Engineering
Department Research Areas:
Geologic Carbon Storage
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Reservoir Engineering
Unconventional Resources
Reservoir Simulation
Natural Gas Engineering
Educational Qualifications:
The University of Texas at Austin, Petroleum Engineering, Ph.D., 1977
The University of Texas at Austin, Engineering, M.S.E., 1974
The University of Texas at Austin, Mechanical Engineering, B.S., 1973
PGE Courses Taught:
Numerical Methods
Engineering Analysis
Numerical Solution of Time Dependent Problems
Formulation and Solution of Geosystems Engineering Problems
Petroleum Fluids
Dr. Seperhnoori's current research is focused on development and application of compositional reservoir simulators for enhanced oil recovery (UTCHEM-RS, UTCOMP-RS, and MPS), modeling of asphaltene deposition in reservoirs and wellbores, development and application of reservoir simulators for naturally fractured reservoirs, EOR processes, development and application of reservoir simulators for unconventional resources, development of parallel reservoir simulators, and CO2 sequestration.
Awards & Honors:
SPE Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal, 2022.
SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty, 2020.
SPE Faculty Recruitment Award, 2015.
SPE Distinguished Member, 2014.
Sigma Gamma Tau
Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Kappa Phi
Outstanding Teaching Award, Graduate School, 2004.
Teaching Excellence Award, Student Engineering Council, 2003.
Departmental Award for Excellence in Engineering Teaching, 2000.
Faculty Excellence Award, 1993.
Departmental Award for Excellence in Engineering Teaching, 1991.
GIGAFLOP Performance Award, Cray Research, Inc., 1989.
Recipient of Sun Exploration and Production Company Centennial Fellowship, 1983–1989.
Award of Excellence, Halliburton Education Foundation, 1984.
Highlighted Publications and Google Scholar Profile:
Tripoppoom, S., Xie, J., Yong, R., Wu, J., Yu, W., Sepehrnoori, K., Miao, J., Chang, C., & Li, N. (2020, May). Investigation of Different Production Performances in Shale Gas Wells Using Assisted History Matching: Hydraulic Fractures and Reservoir Characterization From Production Data. Fuel 267: 117097.
Peng, Y., Zhao, J., Sepehrnoori, K., & Li, Z. (2020, April). Fractional Model for Simulating the Viscoelastic Behavior of Artificial Fracture in Shale Gas. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 228: 106892.
Nasir, Y., Yu, W., & Sepehrnoori, K. (2020, March). Hybrid Derivative-Free Technique and Effective Machine Learning Surrogate for Nonlinear Constrained Well Placement and Production Optimization. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 186: 106726.
Mehrabi, M., Sepehrnoori, K., & Delshad, M. (2020, March). Solution Construction to a Class of Riemann Problems of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media 132: 241-266.
Tripoppoom, S., Ma, X., Yong, R., Wu, J., Yu, W., Sepehrnoori, K., Miao, J., & Li, N. (2020, February). Assisted History Matching in Shale Gas Well Using Multiple-Proxy-Based Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm: The Comparison of K-Nearest Neighbors and Neural Networks As Proxy Model. Fuel 262: 116563.
Alvim, J. M. S., Sepehrnoori, K., Scheid, C. M., Calçada, L. A., & Meleiro, L. A. C. (2019, December). Particle-Scale Simulation of the Sedimentation and Filtration of Drilling Fluids Using the Discrete Element Method. Brazilian Journal of Petroleum and Gas 13 (4): 283-300.
Wei, W., Varavei, A., Sanaei, A., & Sepehrnoori, K. (2019, October). Geochemical Modeling of Wormhole Propagation in Carbonate Acidizing Considering Mineralogy Heterogeneity. SPE Journal 24 (5): 2163-2181.
Peng, Y., Zhao, J., Sepehrnoori, K., Li, Z., & Xu, F. (2019, August). Study of Delayed Creep Fracture Initiation and Propagation Based on Semi-Analytical Fractional Model. Applied Mathematical Modelling 72, 700-715.
Sanaei, A., Tavassoli, S., & Sepehrnoori, K. (2019, August). Investigation of Modified Water Chemistry for Improved Oil Recovery: Application of DLVO Theory and Surface Complexation Model. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 574: 131-145
Xu, Y. & Sepehrnoori, K. (2019, August). Development of an Embedded Discrete Fracture Model for Field-Scale Reservoir Simulation with Complex Corner-Point Grids. SPE Journal 24 (4): 1552-1575.
Xu, Y., Yu, W., & Sepehrnoori, K. (2019, August). Modeling Dynamic Behaviors of Complex Fractures in Conventional Reservoir Simulators. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 22 (3): 1110-1130.
Sanaei, A., Varavei, A., & Sepehrnoori, K. (2019, July). Mechanistic Modeling of Carbonated Waterflooding. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178, 863-877.
Barrios Molano, H.E., & Sepehrnoori, K. (2019, July). Development of a Framework for Parallel Reservoir Simulation. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 33 (4): 632-650.
Xu, Y., Fernandes, B.R.B., Marcondes, F., & Sepehrnoori, K. (2019, June). Embedded Discrete Fracture Modeling for Compositional Reservoir Simulation Using Corner-Point Grids. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 177: 41-52.
Conference Proceedings:
Ganjdanesh, R., Yu, W., Fiallos Torres, M.X., Sepehrnoori, K., Kerr, E., & Ambrose, R. (2019, September 30 – October 2). Huff-N-Puff Gas Injection for Enhanced Condensate Recovery in Eagle Ford. SPE-195996-MS presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Tavassoli, S., Krishnamurthy, P., Beckham, E., Meckel, T., & Sepehrnoori, K. (2019, September 17-19). CO2 Storage in Deltaic Saline Aquifers: Invasion Percolation and Compositional Simulation. SPE-196723-MS presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Ganjdanesh, R., Yu, W., Fiallos, M.X., Kerr, E., Sepehrnoori, K., & Ambrose, R. (2019, July 22-24). Gas Injection EOR in Eagle Ford Shale Gas Condensate Reservoirs. URTEC-2019-987-MS presented at SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Yu, W., Wu, K., Zuo, L, Miao, J., & Sepehrnoori, K. (2109, July 22-24). Embedded Discrete Fracture Model Assisted Study of Gas Transport Mechanisms and Drainage Area for Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs. URTEC-2019-552-MS presented at the SPE/AAP/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado.