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Office Location: CPE 5.118A
Mukul Sharma
W.A. (Tex) Moncrief, Jr. Centennial Endowed Chair in Petroleum Engineering
Department Research Areas:
Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Geomechanics
Unconventional Resources
Petrophysics and Pore Scale Processes
Natural Gas Engineering
Personal Website:
Educational Qualifications:
PhD, Petroleum Engineering, University of Southern California, 1985
M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Southern California, 1981
B.Tech., Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 1980
PGE Courses Taught:
Natural gas engineering
Near wellbore production problems
Well stimulation
Oilfield water management
Advanced fluid flow in porous media
His current research interests include hydraulic fracturing, oilfield water management, formation damage and improved oil recovery. He has published more than 400 journal articles and conference proceedings and has 23 patents.
Awards & Honors:
SPE Honorary Membership, 2020.
National Academy of Engineering member, 2018.
SPE John Franklin Carll award, 2017.
Billy and Claude Hocott Distinguished Engineering Research Award, 2010.
SPE Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal, 2009.
SPE Faculty Distinguished Achievement Award, 2004.
SPE Distinguished Member, 2004.
SPE Distinguished Lecturer, 2004.
Lester C. Uren Award, SPE, 2003.
SPE Formation Evaluation Award, 1998.
Editorial Review Board, SPE Journal, 1996-2000.
Martin Marietta Excellence in Teaching Award, 1996.
Halliburton Foundation, Faculty Excellence Award, 1994.
Technical Editor, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1992-95.
Highlighted Publications and Google Scholar Profile:
“A New Method for the Design and Selection of Premium/Woven Sand Screens,” SPE 146656-PA, SPE Drilling and Completion, Vol. 27, No 3, pp. 407-416, September 2012, Mondal, S., Sharma, M.M., Hodge, R.M., ConocoPhillips, and Chanpura, R. A., Parlar, M., and Ayoub, J.A., Schlumberger.
“Multi-Phase Fluid-Loss Properties and Return Permeability of Energized Fracturing Fluids”, SPE 139622, SPE Production & Operations, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 265-277, August 2012, Ribeiro, L.H., SPE, Sharma, M.M., SP
“Decreasing Water Invasion Into Atoka Shale Using Nonmodified Silica Nanoparticles,” SPE 146979-PA, SPE Drilling & Completions, Vol.27, No. 1, pp. 103-112, March 2012, ISSN 1064-6671, Cai, J., China University of Geosciences, Chenevert, M.E., Sharma M.M., and Friedheim, J. M-I Swaco.
“Optimizing Fracture Spacing and Sequencing in Horizontal-Well Fracturing”, SPE Production & Operations, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 173-184, May 2011, Roussel, N.P.; Sharma, M.M.
“Chemical Treatment to Mitigate Condensate and Water Blocking in Gas Wells in Carbonate Reservoirs,” SPE Production and Operations, Vol 26, No. 1, pp. 67-74, February 2011, ISSN 1930-1855, Ahmadi, M., Sharma, M.M., Pope, G.A., Torress, D.E., McCulley, C.A., and Linnemeyer, H.
“Geophysics at the Interface: Response of Geophysical Properties to Solid-Fluid, Fluid-Fluid, and Solid-Solid Interfaces”, Reviews of Geophysics, Vol.48, December 2010, Knight, R. ; Pyrak-Nolte, L.J. ; Slater, L.; Atekwana, E.; Endres, A.; Geller, J.; Lesmes, D.; Nakagawa, S.; Revil, A.; Sharma, M.M.; Straley, C.
“A Model for Water Injection Into Frac-Packed Wells,” SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol.13, No. 03, pp. 449-464, June 2010, Suri A.; Sharma, M.M.
“PEG-Coated Reverse Osmosis Membranes: Desalination Properties and Fouling Resistance,” Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 340, No. 1-2, pp. 92-108, September 2009, Sagle, A.C.; Van Wagner, E.M.; Ju, H.; McCloskey, B.D.; Freeman, B.D.; Sharma, M.M.
“Proppant Placement Using Reverse-Hybrid Fracs,” SPE 99580, SPE Production and Operations Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 348-356, August 2007, Liu, Y.; Gadde, P.B.; Sharma, M.M.
“Flow-Through Drying of Porous Media,” AIChE Journal, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 2367-2380, July 2006, Mahadevan, J.; Sharma, M.M.; Yortsos, Y.C.