Five Professors Receive SPE International Awards

August 22, 2017

The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is awarding five UT PGE professors with six SPE International awards – the most of any year in department history. Professor Mukul Sharma won the John Franklin Carll award, which recognizes distinguished contributions in the application of engineering principles to petroleum development and recovery.

Associate professor Quoc Nguyen is taking home two awards. The Lester C Uren award, which recognizes engineers under 45 who have made a significant impact on the technology of petroleum engineering, and the Distinguished Member award, which acknowledges members who have attained eminence in the petroleum industry or the academic community, or who have made significant contributions to SPE.

Professor Eric van Oort won the Drilling Engineering award for his outstanding achievement and contributions to the advancement of petroleum engineering in the area of drilling. Assistant professor Zoya Heidari, and her former graduate student, received The Cedric K. Ferguson Medal for the best SPE paper among members younger than 36. Associate professor Matt Balhoff also earned the Distinguished Member award.

The faculty will receive the awards during SPE’s Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), Oct. 9-11, in San Antonio.