Meet the Presidents
September 11, 2012
Two popular student organizations within UT PGE are the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE). Both organizations elected a talented senior to take the reins this fall.
The presidents shared their goals, ideas and aspirations, among other things, for the year.
Society Of Petroleum Engineers - Doug McMaster
What are your goals this year for the organization?
Our major goals include: increased communication with younger students, new outreach to local high schools, expansion of membership to and the inclusion of other types of engineering students and creation of a relationship with the Austin SPE Professional Chapter. Additionally we would like to refine our existing meetings and events and clearly define and communicate our expectations with companies that come share and visit. We also hope to develop our website and Facebook page with more information and resources for the students to help them with their job search, general knowledge and networking contacts.
Do you have any exciting events or trips to conferences planned?
This year SPE’s ATCE is in our backyard! Hopefully, since San Antonio is closer, we will be able to take a larger group of students to the conference for networking, learning and fun this year. Last year our PetroBowl team won the competition, so the big aim is to be there to support our new PetroBowl team and win the competition again. Wish us luck.
What drives your passion for the organization?
A major reason I got involved with SPE was that I wanted to make the sharing of knowledge about petroleum engineering and the oil industry easier to communicate. As a result, I am looking for methods, materials, props and equipment to demonstrate with when we perform community service events at Explore UT, Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day and classroom use for demonstration and explanation of engineering principles. This is extremely important to me and very valuable to the industry for transparency and for technical and public education. To help facilitate this effort, I am looking for donations of working models, field equipment, educational material and/or funding to create, develop or purchase our own. If you are interested in contributing, please contact Heath Hignight, the PGE Development Officer.
American Association of Drilling Engineers - Tim Wiener
What are your goals this year for the organization?
My top priority for AADE this year will be continuing its growth. Over the last three years the attendance at meetings has more than doubled. This year I want to continue reaching out to other engineering students interested in drilling, and encourage them to attend our meetings and events. Another one of my main goals is to develop a mentoring program where new students can get help from an upperclassman with their resume, questions about the industry, what to expect during an interview, etc. To continue the growth of AADE, I believe it is important to start involving PGE students as soon as they enter the department.
Do you have any exciting events or trips to conferences planned?
AADE is hoping to take a group of its members on a rig/facilities tour this year after the success we had at Hilcorp’s Eagle Ford asset last fall. On October 5, AADE will be hosting its third annual sporting clay tournament that serves as a great networking event and our main fundraiser for the year.
What type of presidential legacy do you hope to leave behind?
I hope to be remembered for bringing PGE students together with each other, and industry representatives through professional and social events. I also would like to make sure that AADE is recognized around campus for its involvement in community service activities.