Srinivasan and Balhoff Receive Prestigious SPE Awards
September 17, 2012
Drs. Srinivasan and Balhoff both received prestigious national awards from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Dr. Srinivasan was selected as the winner of the SPE Faculty Pipeline Award for 2012. The award is given to a faculty member in petroleum engineering who has developed innovative techniques to recruit Ph.D. students into a PE program who have a preference for going into academia rather than into the industry. With PGE’s talented Ph.D. pool, it is clear Dr. Srinivasan’ s efforts have been quite successful.
Dr. Balhoff was selected for the SPE Teaching Fellow Award for 2012. In the pilot program, SPE is recognizing PE faculty who have developed innovative techniques to teach petroleum engineering students. The techniques Dr. Balhoff has demonstrated are different teaching methodologies in class, innovative ways of interacting with the industry, presentation material which combines the fundamental knowledge students require, the technological advances the industry has made, and better methodologies to interact with the students. Thanks to Dr. Balhoff PGE students receive strong teaching, resulting in enhanced learning.