Ayaz Mehmani Wins Student Award at International InterPore Conference

September 17, 2012

Ayaz Mehmani, was the 2012 winner of the Procter & Gamble Student Award for an outstanding student poster presentation at the 4th International InterPore Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting at Purdue University.

Mehmani, a PhD candidate in the Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Department advised by Dr. Maša Prodanović, presented a poster titled: “Investigating gas permeability in shales using multi-physics and multi-scale network modeling” coauthored by Drs. Prodanović and Javadpour of UT Austin. Mehmani impressed the awards committee by successfully combining multiscale 3D pore network models with novel transport equations for gas transport on nanoscale that result in nonlinear, pressure dependent permeability estimates and shed light on nanometer scale control on transport properties.

In addition to his solid research and presentation skills, Mehmani is also a Statoil Graduate Fellow, has a GPA of 4.0 (on 4.0 scale), is fluent in five languages and is also active in UT Austin student organizations.