Prodanovic Wins InterPore Medal, Earns Promotion
April 04, 2022
Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Associate Professor Maša Prodanović received the 2022 InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research in March from the International Society for Porous Media Foundation (InterPore). Given annually, the award recognizes excellent research conducted over the last 10 years that has contributed to theoretical, experimental or modelling advances in understanding natural or industrial porous media.
In selecting her for the medal, the InterPore awards committee cited her “truly outstanding contributions to the porous media community, in particular in the areas of modeling multiphase interfaces in porous and fractured media; multiscale characterization and modeling of microporosity in carbonates, salt and unconventional reservoirs; and modeling of transport of particulate suspensions and ferrofluids.” The committee also noted her “prolific” research — at the time of nomination she was co-author of 69 refereed journal papers, 42 conference papers, one book, two book chapters and 22 datasets — and called her a “cyberinfrastructure pioneer” for the Digital Rocks Portal she created and maintains. The portal provides researchers a way to organize, preserve and share data and measurements of porous materials in the subsurface. With the shared data, engineers and scientists can better understand geologic rock formations and make sounder decisions about subsurface issues including oil recovery, environmental remediation, carbon dioxide sequestration and safe dam design.
Prodanović is the UT PGE Chevron Centennial Teaching Fellow in Petroleum Engineering. In February, she was promoted to full professor, which will take effect in the 2022–2023 academic year. Last year, she was named a Distinguished Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and received the Alfred Wegener Award for outstanding contributions to petroleum geoscience and engineering from the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers. She holds a BS in Applied Mathematics from the University of Zagreb in Croatia and a PhD in Computational Applied Mathematics from Stony Brook University. She was named to the Texas Ten in 2017.
InterPore is an independent nonprofit scientific organization established in 2008. It aims to advance and disseminate knowledge for the understanding, description and modeling of natural and industrial porous media systems. UT PGE’s Center for Subsurface Energy and the Environment is its institutional member.