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Dr. Eric van Oort is featured in an article, authored by Trent Jacobs, in the July issue of JPT Magazine about the launch of his game-changing automated drilling consortium, RAPID.
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The University of Texas at Austin is ranked No. 19 in the world for high-impact science, according to the Nature Index, which tracks publication in the world’s top research journals.
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The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) 2015 edition recognizes The University of Texas at Austin as No. 30 among the world’s top 1000 universities.
Nationally, UT Austin is No. 7 among public universities and No. 22 overall.
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Professor Carlos Torres-Verdin and Research Professor Chun Huh have been named Distinguished Members of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
The 2015 international award recipients were approved by the SPE Board of Directors at their recent meeting in Mexico City, Mexico. Candidates are nominated by 16 international award committees because of their outstanding and significant technical, professional, and service contributions to SPE and the petroleum industry.
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The UT PGE Class of 2015, comprised of 111 talented students, is setting out on a journey to change the world. Get to know two students who are both passionate about petroleum engineering, but will be taking their knowledge and expertise in two different and interesting directions.
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Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin and his research team are receiving an honorable mention in the Best Paper category for the Society of Exploration Geophysicists’ (SEG) 2015 Honors and Awards.
The paper, titled “Pore-Scale Modeling of Electrical Resistivity and Permeability in FIB-SEM Images of Organic Mudrock” was published in SEG’s journal, “Geophysics,” in May 2014 and earned the second-place designation for its description of a new pore-scale method to quantify petrophysical properties of hydrocarbon-bearing shale. A team of Vahid Shabro, Shaina Kelly, Dr. Kamy Sepehrnoori and Dr. Andre Revil (professor, Colorado School of Mines) coauthored the paper.
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A petroleum engineering student placed first with a team of chemical engineering students at the recent BASF Team Chemistry Challenge—a student competition to develop solutions to make UT sports events more sustainable.
The annual event is hosted by BASF, the world’s largest chemical company, and Texas Athletics and awards a total of $25,000 to the top three teams or individuals who submit winning proposals.
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UT PGE continues a streak of excellence as three faculty members, Drs. Ken Gray, Kamy Sepehrnoori and Mark McClure, were announced Society of Petroleum Engineers' (SPE) regional award winners. Last year, Drs. Daigle and DiCarlo received the honor for their work in formation evaluation and chemical enhanced oil recovery.
Regional and section awards recognize members who contribute exceptional service and leadership within SPE, as well as making significant professional contributions within their technical disciplines at the SPE regional level.
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The next generation of innovators displayed the latest research projects geared toward offshore technology applications during the 2015 Offshore Technology Conference's (OTC) University R&D Showcase in Houston.
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The University of Texas System Board of Regents has named Gregory L. Fenves the next president of The University of Texas at Austin. Fenves will assume the role leading the UT System’s flagship university on June 3.
The regents approved the appointment at a special called board meeting Monday, April 20. Fenves was selected as sole finalist for the position at a Board of Regents meeting last month.