The Hildebrand Department launched its inaugural “Greening the Oilfield” speaker series last fall, bringing five major oil and gas companies to campus to speak with students over the course of the academic year. Sponsored by Shell, the series presented graduate and undergraduate students with opportunities to learn more about how companies continue to provide affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to the world while making environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards a priority.

The UT PetroBowl team — Ram Disabar, Dany Hachem, Blazej Ksiazek, Misael Morales and Divya Shah — placed second in the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) North America Regional Qualifiers in March.

The UT PGE community has begun funding an endowed scholarship for petroleum engineering students in memory of Arletta Tompkins, the department’s longtime academic advising coordinator who passed away in November.

Four Hildebrand Department faculty members and two alumni took part in UT Energy Week, an annual event that showcases the depth and breadth of energy research at The University of Texas at Austin.

The Hildebrand Department’s longtime laboratory coordinator and building manager Glen Baum has won The University of Texas at Austin’s 2022 President’s Outstanding Staff Award, which recognizes nonteaching UT Austin employees who have made outstanding contributions to the continuing success of the university.

If you’re looking to add some of the latest petroleum engineering resources to your bookshelf or digital library, look no further than these three recent works from Hildebrand Department faculty members.

The Hildebrand Department welcomed Karen Hagedorn (BSPE ’86) in April as its newest participant in the Alumni in Residence program.

Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering senior Jayvaughn Peter has won a 2022 Student Leader Award from the Cockrell School of Engineering in recognition of his work to motivate, guide, mentor and support the school’s student organizations.

Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering graduate student David Fukuyama has won an Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) from the American Geophysical Union (AGU) for research presented during the organization’s annual meeting last fall.

Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Associate Professor Maša Prodanović received the 2022 InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research in March from the International Society for Porous Media Foundation (InterPore). Given annually, the award recognizes excellent research conducted over the last 10 years that has contributed to theoretical, experimental or modelling advances in understanding natural or industrial porous media.